Individual Training

Do you want to start a new career in hair extensions and become a qualified hair extensions technician? Or perhaps you want to update your skills and be able to offer the hugely profitable service of hair extensions to your clients!

We offer accredited training for both hairdressers and non-hairdressers and these packages include both theory and practical assessment. You can become a qualified Hair Extensions technician with our courses.

Individual Course Choices

Masterclass 1

Accredited Prebonded, Shrink Tube, Micro Ring

1 Day Course

£295 including free Hair Extensions Course Kit

Masterclass 2

Accredited 4 Method: Weave, Trackless Weave, Tape, Micro Ring Weft – 1 Day Course

£295 including free Hair Extensions Course Kit

Hair Extensions Cutting Course

Techniques Covered:

1. Club Cutting, 2. Free Hand, 3. Point Cutting, 4. Layering, 5. Texturizing, 6. Tapering, 7. Razoring, 8. Feathering, 9. Thinning, 10. Cutting in a fringe.

Courses are bespoke and run on request. We can cater for most dates!

Mixed Masterclass

A tailored course covering 3 of the following systems:

Pre Bonded, Shrink Tube, Micro Ring, Weave, Micro Ring Weft, Braidless Weave, Tape

Including free Hair Extensions Course Kit

NVQ Hair Extensions Course

VTCT Level 3 NVQ Award in Creative Hair Extension Services (QCF)

An exciting level 3 course in creative hair extensions services which provides hairdressers with the qualification and skills needed to apply hair extensions to your clients and career progression within the hair extensions industry. Covers micro-ring, pre-bonded, shrink tube & tape in application methods.

including free Hair Extensions Course Kit